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Pawpaw Spiceberry Jam

Pawpaw Spiceberry Jam

Midwestern native.

Pawpaws grow from the Great Lakes down to Florida and are North America’s largest edible native fruit. They look kind of like a green mango on the outside, with a light yellow interior studded with large dark brown seeds. The bright tropical flavor combined with the soft, creamy texture have earned it the monikers “American custard apple” and “Michigan banana”.

Here, Ohio pawpaws are packed into a luscious spread with spiceberry, another native Midwestern plant. The spicebush produces berries that are harvested in the fall then dried for use throughout the year. Their flavor is akin to allspice: complex, a little floral, a little spicy, a little Christmas-y.

For these preserves, the pawpaws give the sweet and savory jam a smooth fruit butter texture. The flavor is warmly spicy from the spiceberry. It’s delicious simply spread on toast and crepes, but it’s also fantastic as a festive filling for sandwich cookies or cakes.

Pawpaw Spiceberry Jam

P-PAW 8 oz jar
Current Price $19
Returning November 2025

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