American Spoon Whole Seed Mustard

American Spoon Whole Seed Mustard

Staff's choice for mustard.

From our friends at American Spoon, our source for years of fantastic jams, curds, and more, comes our new favorite mustard. Walking through Zingerman's Deli with a jar of this stuff in your hand is guaranteed to elicit no fewer than four spontaneous exclamations of "that mustard is so good!" from various staff members.

The mustard is made with whole yellow and black mustard seeds that are soaked in vinegar and Michigan sparkling wine. The result is bright and vibrant, almost effervescent. The seeds burst with a fantastic pop when you crunch them between your teeth. It has just a mild tingle of heat that won't overwhelm your palate. Fantastic with grilled meats or salami, smeared on a pretzel, mixed into potato salad, or just about anywhere with a bit of a pop.

Be warned: you're likely to start stopping strangers to tell them how good this mustard is, too.

American Spoon Whole Seed Mustard

P-ASM 8 oz jar
Original Price $19 On Special Current Price $15
Ships for flat rate
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