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French Roast Coffee

French Roast Coffee

The darkest roast.

Roastmaster Steve uses only high-grown central American coffee beans for our French Roast. The common mistake made when producing a French Roast is over roasting, which causes the natural oils in the beans to take over the flavor and forsake any nuances or complexity they might possess. Oils can go rancid, taste sour and leave you with the sense that you just drank a cup of steeped charcoal. That’s why other roasters use the cheapest beans they can find and roast the heck out of ‘em. Quick, cheap and easy but not that interesting of a coffee.

Steve, of course, bucks the trend. He stops just short of “dark” when roasting, leaving the beans with a high acid content but only slightly oily. The result is a robust, rich cup of coffee accented by a stout liveliness that will start your morning off on the right foot.

Roast: Just short of dark.
Tasting Notes: Big, lively and bright.
Facts: Roasted fresh by Zingerman’s Coffee Company. Shipped whole bean.

5 Things to Do to Brew Yourself Better Tasting Coffee

French Roast Coffee

P-COF-FRE 12 oz bag, whole bean
Current Price $24
Ships for flat rate

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