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Food Explorer’s Club

Cascatelli Pasta & Dutch Dark Chocolate Sprinkles
(September 2023)

In this installment

Cascatelli Pasta

Dutch Dark Chocolate Sprinkles

Bowl of pasta covered with sauce and cheese

Cascatelli Pasta from New York State

You might have noticed Sfoglini (pronounced without the ‘g,’ s-fo-lini) at some of the finer specialty food stores. They started up in 2012 in Brooklyn, NY but have moved up the Hudson River Valley to a small town called Coxsackie where all the pasta is now made, dried, boxed and shipped. They make pasta the way the Italians do, using the same bronze dies that give pasta that rough texture and a variety of organic durum wheats (which also come from North America, which grows the best pasta wheat in the world). The shape was developed in collaboration with the podcast/website Sporkful (which is very cool). It was designed for maximum sauce, fork, and toothsink-ability so it’s trying to be all noodles to all people. See if it hits the mark! (I think it’s darn good.)

Dutch Dark Chocolate Sprinkles

In The Netherlands, children enjoy a breakfast of toast, butter and chocolate sprinkles. The first time I enjoyed the morning snack I was hooked. I thought about it so much I couldn’t wait to bring it to our shelves officially, which is happening at the end of this month (September). Consider this a sneak peak of what I’m sure will be one of your favorite foods, too.

The chocolate sprinkles are made with very decent chocolate, not the waxy/grainy/overly sweet kind we see on sundae bars here in the states. Go the toast route the Dutch. I like to sprinkle mine over peanut-buttered toast. It’s amazing.