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Coffee Club

Ethiopian Guji Coffee

Pouring coffee from the jebena pot into porcelain cups in an Ethiopian coffee ceremony

Fruity, juicy and wonderfully balanced.

I have a soft spot in my heart for Ethiopian coffees. 

As the birthplace of coffee, there’s an astonishing diversity of flavors in Ethiopian beans. But if I had to nail it down to a brief description, I’d say that Ethiopian coffees are often characterized by big flavors of berry and bright acidic notes. They can be chocolate-y, winey, and even sweet, but above all they are always interesting—a real pleasure to drink. 

This coffee is grown above 1850 meters above sea level in the Guji area in southern Ethiopia. It is a natural processed lot from the Birbirsa Cooperative. I find it to be a wonderfully balanced cup.

Tasting Notes

Notes of blueberry and milk chocolate hit us first, and the coffee finishes with a subtle, sweet citrus brightness. The fruity high notes really sing when prepared as a siphon, but it’s also really tasty as a pour-over, Chemex, press pot, or as a regular drip coffee.