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Cheese Pairing Club

Artisanal Manchego Cheese with Sacre Bleu Salami

In this installment

Artisanal Manchego Cheese

Sacre Bleu Salami

Artisanal Manchego Cheese

Manchego cheese is made from the milk of Manchega sheep, which graze on the plains of southern central Spain called La Mancha. After years of effort, we’ve come up with a source for traditionally made, hand crafted Manchego that lives up to its reputation. In Spain, Manchego can be bought at different
stages of aging… anywhere from a few months to over a year. The cheese we have is aged a minimum of six months, which results in a rich, full flavored, fragrant cheese with a subtle, salty tang on the finish.

Sacre Bleu Saucisson Sec Salami

Sacre Bleu Salami

Styled after the classic French saucission sec, this salami, made by Red Bear Provisions in Chicago, is a flavorful combination of garlic, pepper, and red wine mixed with rich, pork shoulder from pigs raised without hormones or antibiotics. As the salamis cure and dry over a couple months, the flavors meld into a complex, slightly sweet experience that has everyone in our office singing its praises. Well, maybe we’re not so extroverted that we’re singing, but there are a lot of hummers that think it’s awesome.