Zingerman's Oven Roasted Turkey

Zingerman's Oven Roasted Turkey

The same all natural oven roasted turkey we use in our sandwiches.

This is some seriously tasty stuff. We tried dozens of roasted turkeys before we picked this one, which are raised outdoors on pasture without antibiotics. After years of eating it, I still think it's as good as the leftovers served after Thanksgiving. Maybe better.

The star of Zingerman's Deli's #73 Tarb's Tenacious Tenure, the sandwich pictured at right.

Comes sliced and ready to build your own sandwiches at home. Ships frozen.

Zingerman's Oven Roasted Turkey

M-TUR 1 lb, sliced
Current Price $28
Ships 2 business days warm weather care
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