Crybaby Cheese from Arethusa

Crybaby Cheese from Arethusa

Tears of joy.

Arethusa Farm in western Connecticut makes some truly delicious cheeses from their herd of Jersey, Brown Swiss, and Holstein cows. Crybaby is a versatile and tasty example.

A Swiss-style cheese, it’s aged for just a couple of months before reaching our shelves, which puts it on the young side. The youth of the cheese means there are many “eyes”—AKA holes—which give the cheese its name. Left to age longer, these holes would eventually close up as time and gravity condense the cheese, so Crybaby stops before things get too intense.

It’s more subtle than other mountain-style cheeses. Sweeter, too. Complex enough to hold its own on a cheeseboard. But also really good in a sandwich. That’s what I call “versatile.”

Cow's milk
Unpasteurized (Raw)
Traditional rennet

Crybaby Cheese from Arethusa

C-CBY by the lb
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